Tuesday, November 27, 2007

This is What Happens When You Don't Sleep...

Sometimes (maybe in the wee hours before dawn), it dawns on me that I have enemies, that not everyone I know wishes me the best. In fact, I know for a fact that there are some folks who wish me ill. Does that sound like something a paranoid person would think?

At the same time, I'm quite convinced, that if I have a primary nemesis, I know him well. In fact, he's often staring back at me when I peek into a mirror. Does that sound like the seed of a premise that David Lynch could run with?

Yes, okay, I admit it. I'm just a character in a David Lynch movie. I wonder how it all ends? I suspect it's not gonna be a "feel good" picture. But then again Lynch is known for those strangely ambiguous resolutions that leaves everyone scratching their heads as they try to puzzle it all out. So maybe my hope for a happy fate rests upon befuddlement!