Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Alive and Vital

Went to see Shakey at the Chicago Theater last night. You know that strange, lanky guy with the quavering voice, that drove a black hearse from Winnepeg all the way to the City of Angels to make his mark in the music biz all those many years ago?

It was a great night of music. The same voice, the same passion and fire. A beautiful, haunting and inspiring rock and roll performance. One realizes that this dude is a very old soul. He's been singing old man songs ever since he was a young man. He's finally grown into some of his songs after all these years.

He mixed the old with the new, but made them all of the moment. Now that's quite the feat in itself.

The first half was acoustic - guitar, piano, that otherworldly, mournful voice. The second half of the show was all fire. Shakey strapped on that old black Les Paul and conjured the spirits. He was accompanied by a superb outfit: Ralph Molina on drums, Ben Keith on guitar and lap steel, Rick Rosas on bass.

An amazing performance. Alive and vital. Now that's the way you do it - money for nothing and chicks for free.

UPDATE: Some people might think Shakey is the ultimate hippie, but he's always walked hand in hand with the Shadow. See "On the Beach," or "Tonight's the Night." Beautiful, heart-breaking, haunting - edgy like a porcupine too. Here's Shakey himself doing "Spirit Road" (plus a photo montage of his old cars collection) off his latest disc. He did a great live version of this song last night.