Friday, October 12, 2007

The Ghost of Jeff Buckley

Last night White Wolf Sonic Princess (WWSP) played out at Uncommon Ground. It was such a blast. I mean, we were nervous as hell. For some reason, eventhough we've done a bunch of shows already, it really seemed like some kind of coming out party for us. Plus, because of the logistics, it was just the Lovely Carla and I. No bass, no drums. We were up there in a very intimate room, one guitar, two voices. About as naked and exposed as you can be. I guess maybe doing a standup act would be one step beyond.

It was a challenge and a kick. It all kind of went by in a blur. But we really savored it too. Uncommon Ground is a very cozy and intimate room. It's got to be one of the best places to play in Chicago. There were some familiar faces, in fact, much of my life in the last few years were kind of represented at some of the tables there. I've really been on a spiritual/creative quest and some of the kindred souls I've met along the way came out to support us. It was very gratifying.

Plus there were plenty of new faces too. We got a warm response. Good feeling all around. Even the Lovely Carla gave us high marks! As we packed up for the night I stood under the portrait of Jeff Buckley and thanked him. He's gone, but inspires still.

Still kind of riding the positive vibe this morning. No post performance crash yet. Maybe I can stay in the bubble for a little while.