Saturday, September 01, 2007


Let's be perfectly clear. Our leaders, our military is lying to us. There is a coordinated campaign to lie about "progress" in Iraq, so that we will keep troops there forever, or at least until Bush steps down. The next President, (whoever stoops low enough to get the trophy), will have to deal with this debacle. And even some of the Democrats are hedging on whether they really will bring the troops home (as far as I can tell only Bill Richardson - does he really have a snowball's chance in hell of winning, has said he'd bring them all home immediately). We live in Orwell's paradise. Winston Smith is our mirror image. It's probably easier to just relent and ride with the lie. But the reality on the ground has a funny way of not conforming to the PR. America's motto should be "eat shit and say it tastes good!" All I can say is fuck them all.