Sunday, September 09, 2007

Cretin Nation

In moments of clarity I tell myself that it's fruitless to worry about (and blog about) our latest thirty year war. I mean, our military will not be coming home any time soon, and who knows, I'm sure there are other backward places where the Joint Chiefs are planning to show off all their shiny new weapons. And I suppose there's no way to stop any of it. This blood spilling thing is such an integral part of our nation's glorious history. And then, on top of that, we have such an idiot running around the planet representing us. Did this cretin actually say we are "kicking ass" in Iraq? It's mind-boggling trying to imagine what makes this man tick...

UPDATE: There must be some kind of barometer or index or formula that can explain it. As the ignorance quotient increases, simultaneously, the arrogance quotient increases too. So, the stupid man, is too stupid to realize just how stupid he is, instead he sees a very simple, black and white world, (it's only a reflection of his own stupidity) and he comes to believe that he is pretty damn smart after all. All those brainiacs that make him feel small, are just full of hot air. So his stupidity rolls out like an endless carpet, and his arrogance overflows like a freshly poured Guiness Stout. Everyone in his path suffers. If he's got a really big important job, the wreckage is completely overwhelming...