Monday, July 23, 2007

Our New Band Emerges from the Cocoon!

So last night, our new band, White Wolf/Sonic Princess and the Enthusiastikatz (less one, our bass player was out of town), premiered at the Red Line Tap, a nice comfy little bar on the northside, situated right next to the Heartland Cafe. We stopped in the Heartland first for a root beer and a photo booth session. You can see the three of us are lit up like christmas trees. We all just love to perform.

The first act was the Hairy Spaceman, and they were a really good little group, with a dreamy, outlaw sound, nice guitar work and a drummer with a strong, baritone, almost operatic voice. Then it was our turn. We have a full set of originals, (16 songs and counting), but we were kind of rushed setting up, and well the sound wasn't exactly to our liking. It's important for us to have vocals up front and personal, and I think my guitar was a little overwhelming. Plus for some reason I was so jazzed up, as soon as I got onstage the sweat started just pouring out of me (see Albert Brooks in "Broadcast News.") My fingers were a little slippery and some of my nice guitar changes kind of smeared off the stage.

Some of the set went fine, and a couple of times we fell off the cliff. Afterwards the Lovely Carla gave us a B minus, which coming from her ain't too shabby. We played to a very small crowd, dotted with some of our loyal friends, and we did get some nice applause and good compliments too. It was all a nice little experiment. It was good to get the first gig under our belts. Now it's onto Freak Fest on Friday. Should be interesting. Our bass player will be with us, and well, we'll see how it all shakes out in the cornfields of Wisconsin.