Friday, July 13, 2007

Michael Moore: Both Barrels Blazing!

If I was in one of those presidential press conferences, (is it possible I could get credentialed as a writer of the dumps/sunny blog empire?), I'd stand up in the middle of all those high- priced jounalists and press honchos to ask (I'd have to talk really, really fast), president Pissy Pants this loaded question: "Mr. President, isn't it obvious that you have failed miserably in your efforts as a world leader, and as a president, to rally Americans, Iraqis and well, the rest of the known universe to your total, fucking debacle in Iraq? And isn't it time you "be a man," and admit your mistake for starting the war and your complete failure as a president, and well, as a human being, and shouldn't you get on your knees and beg forgiveness from the world for all the pain and suffering and horror you have needlessly inflicted upon all of us?"

Now, I wonder, after the security people swooped down upon me and carted me off to a secret prison for a little "enhanced interrogation," if any of those other beltway pussies, would stand up and ask a followup question?! I guess I wouldn't hold my anyway, if you have about 10 minutues you must absolutely watch this YouTube of Michael Moore on CNN.
It is great, essential theater. If I can't get credentialed for the next press conference, can we somehow get Michael in there? I'd pay big dollars to see that!

UPDATE: A great line from Andrew Sullivan (see blog link to the right) about Pissy Pants: "Look, Mr President, most Americans aren't as dim as you seem to be. Maybe it's time you realized that. He's just out of his depth, I'm afraid. And others are sinking - and dying - as a consequence."