Tuesday, May 01, 2007

A Soulful Place

I can't help it, I am fascinated by Bjork. I saw her on Saturday Night Live and she was prancing around barefoot on stage, singing about being an "earth intruder." It was quite strange, other-worldly. I loved it.

I read a little profile about her and her new cd "Volta," in the Sunday NY Times. She's kooky and inspiring, doing very edgy, avant garde work, but in a pop music context.

She talks about her approach: "I was quite conscious that I wanted permission to be able to be sad and funny, and human and crazy and silly, and childish and wise, because I think everybody is like that."

And she expounds: "I believe in that place where you plug into the zeigeist, the collective consciousness or whatever. It's very folk. Soulful. Not materialistic. I believe in being a fighter for that soulful place."