Thursday, May 17, 2007

It Feels Like "11"

TPM the lead singer of the Telepaths had a birthday yesterday. About 30 or so of his friends came to our gallery space to celebrate. What a turn out...I mean, I might know 30 people I could invite to one of my birthday parties, but I'd probably have to put a gun to their heads to actually get them to come!

Anyway, it was a great time and an opportunity for the Telepaths to play in front of a crowd. So we fired up our amps, put the drum set together, cranked the PA, and roared through our little set. We've now got quite a good mix of covers (you should hear our version of Steely Dan's old tune, "Dirty Work" - it is a sonic mudbath!), and originals...we still haven't played our signature tune "Area 51" the same way twice.

It was a good time all around. I mean, it's one the best things in the world to do. Turn up you guitar amp really loud (up to 11), and sing and play your heart out as if your life depended on it.

And after the set, drenched in sweat, fingers still on fire, sipping a Stella Atrois --- best feeling ever!