Sunday, April 15, 2007

Doog si Efil

Good news is out there too. We must be on the lookout for the good news from all corners. Too much bad news makes the baby go blind...

Gary Kasparov was arrested yesterday in Moscow, he was detained and then released. I think he and his "Other Russia" movement are playing a cat and mouse game with Putin. Putin would be the cat. He has shown the mouse that he can snatch him at any time. But you know, the cat doesn't always catch the mouse...and sometimes the mouse does get the cheese...

When I was in Laguna Beach awhile back, (it now seems like another lifetime in a place far, far, away), I bought a baseball cap, green in color, with the words, "life is good." I thought it would be a good slogan to carry. Funny thing is, when I see it, (in the mirror) it reads, "doog si efil." Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, but hey, it will do.