Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Surfing with the Sea Turtles

The last two evenings I have been hunkered in my home studio, recording new music. Ever since our successful outing on the 15th, I've been working on some stray riffs, broken chords, and misplaced beats. I came up with my own "surf song," in tribute to my friends out on the West coast. In my heart of hearts, I always thought I'd end up in a surf shop in Malibu or Laguna, or maybe somewhere more low-down and funky. I've posted this instrumental song as a gift from me to you - Sea Turtle Surf Song. It's available as a free download (just click on Sea Turtle Surf Song, and then hit download and it's yours!), because, you know, they say the best things in life are free, although, contrariwise, that old classic rock and roll ditty reminds us, "you can save it for the birds and bees...!"

So, I've had this image of surfing with the sea turtles; out well past land, the sun shining, the ocean blue, no humans except for me, and somehow I do a kind of mind-meld with these ancient, graceful, creatures. And just how do I keep up? I ride the Stratocaster whammy-bar sound waves in my head; the pure, crystalline, mercury sound of D'Addario strings stretched out well past the point of logic; smooth and silky, kind of like a long and lonely Laguna sunset - lingering, lingering, that little ball of fire just teetering on the edge of the world, splashing color across the horizon, and...oh, wait a's gone!