Thursday, February 15, 2007

Too Much Coffee to Be Sleepy!

The Lovely Carla and I are heading to New York City later today. There are many compelling reasons one might go for a visit, but for us, Richard Foreman's Ontological Theater takes the cake. He's been putting on shows at St. Mark's Church for something like 30 years. He's a true inspiration, I've only seen one of his pieces, (Carla has seen a couple), but I've read quite a few plays, essays and interviews with the great man over the years, and I must say, he has opened doors and helped free my mind to pursue my own wacky brand of theater. You must find inspiration where you can, so anyway for us St. Mark's beckons.

I've been posting some videos from the Black Forest archive at YouTube. You can now watch videos at the jimmydumps/sunnyjimmy video ranch. I will continue to update with videos from our illustrious history, as well as new works as they emerge. It's kind of cool to set up your own YouTube Channel. It's easy too!

Plus, we now have a MySpace site for Black Forest Theater. I will post photos and videos there too. Also, as our Rock Opera unfolds, I will post songs on the site for your listening pleasure.

Finally, I also wanted to reveal another one of my valences, (a well-rounded individual should have many) jimmymthehermit. You might say he's an empty suit, but at least it's golden. Here is where I will post some of my very own quirky music. Right now, I highly recommend you check out "The Spook," my ironic ode to the CIA torture atrocity. As Dick Clark would say, it's got a good beat, and you can probably dance to it. Maybe the Funky Chicken?

So, I no longer own a laptop, so blogging on the road the next few days might be sporadic. But still, I've got that blog monkey on my back, so who knows?