Sunday, February 25, 2007

Never Fuck with the Lepers!

Once I get on a kick, look out, kind of like James Brown, I will take one idea and keep pounding it until it's lifeless on the ground. I've been on a John Carpenter kick, and I've discovered another film that I just love. It's from 1980, it's called "The Fog." It's not really a scary movie, more like a very effective mood piece, it's so well-made, so to the point, beautifully filmed, and again, I started seeing "levels" that meant so much to me in my near vegetative state (the sickness had it's hold on me, and I was helpless before the malignant power!).

No sense in giving a plot summary or analysis. It's a cool movie, it left me with the idea that yes, the sins of the fathers will be wreaked upon later generations of sons and daughters, it's inevitable, it's the way of the world. We will be held responsible for things out of our control.

Also, if our little paradise world is built on lies, suffering, murders, buried bodies, stolen treasure, bad deeds, (see American History 101, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, or the latest headlines), they will come back to haunt. There is some kind of karmic law, it's like gravity (and Jamie Lee Curtiss fits in there somewhere too). Maybe this only is true in movies? No, me thinks it's in our legends, our myths, it's encoded in our cell structure, because it is the law of the land. And we know it eventhough we don't want to know it! Beware the Fog!