Friday, February 09, 2007

My Cocoon

It's been the deep freeze here in the heartland. If there is a heart here, be assured dear Pilgrim, it is frozen. So, how to toast the soul? Rub some sticks together and dream of fire? I guess, I'm all for hunkering, hiding deep inside my cocoon and waiting for the right time to emerge fully-formed. I have been going through major gyrations lately. I have been in open war on the work front. This has not been pleasant, and well, I'm on the losing end of this bargain. So, then again, I have learned the lesson, if you are in business with sharks, you will get bitten! So, I retreat to my little redoubt and start to strategize. I know there's another world out there somewhere, and I must have a place in it. Or well, that's my story today, and I'm sticking to it!