Sunday, February 04, 2007

Inland Empire

The Lovely Carla and I went the Music Box Theater (what a great movie house!) yesterday to catch David Lynch's "Inland Empire." I've been on a Lynch kick lately, reading and really enjoying his book on meditation (see preivous posts) and the movie business. Anyway, his latest movie is a stunning masterpiece. I mean, it's maddening, baffling, hallucinatory, abstract, spooky, creepy, beautiful, haunting, non-linear, rambling, extraordinary, inspiring, spiritual, mind-bending.

I'm thinking it's a movie you will either really, really love, or really, really hate. If you like to figure movies out, or if they must be "plausible," plot-driven, and make some kind of rational sense, you will probably be dissappointed, or pissed off, or just plain bored. On the other hand, if you can just kind of let yourself go, you will find a wildly rich treasure-trove of a movie.

I love the audacity of an artist at the height of his powers fully realizing his quirky and strange vision and damn the torpedoes. It is absolutely sublime. I came out of the experience alive, on fire; my imagination spinning like a circus wheel.

I mean, I've seen many movies in my life, this ranks up there with the best of the best. I mean, it seems to match something in me perfectly; the way I see the world, the way I create, the way things seem to connect and reflect. It's a complete mind-blower. What a strange world we live in... you know something, something strange and unnameable is beckoning just beyond the next door and you can't wait to open it, although there's some dread there too, because really you don't know, until, well, it's too late, and then what you thought you knew, you don't, and what you do, well you just can't really explain.