Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Vision Statement

We are all on our own unique's easy to say, "follow your heart," or "do what you love." Easy to say, less easy sometimes, to do. But "do," we must (or maybe not)...

The first challenge is to find your heart...find what you love...sometimes it's a moving target, sometimes we are our own worst enemy...sometimes we just aren't up to the challenge...sometimes (maybe a lifetime) we just don't know who, what, where, when or why...we just muddle through, or live someone's else's vision of what we "should," do...

Also, "following our heart," does not necessarily mean "easy street," in fact it probably has nothing to do with ease...

Sometimes we still have to do things we don't want to's part of the following your heart thing, even if you sometimes have to listen to your head, or your gut, or your landlord...

We need to work...we need to apply ourselves, we need to challenge ourselves, we need to push ourselves into uncomfortable scenes to find out who we are, to find out what's really important...some of us just don't want to do it...maybe sometimes it's easier to be bored, to be lazy, to not care, to not try, to not do...

You know what? To put it sort of bluntly: fuck that...