Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Players

One of the life-changing books I've read, (I've mentioned it in previous posts), is "Impro," by Keith Johnstone, it's primarily about acting, comedy, improvisation, but it's also about creativity, and how we all have access to a fantastic creative realm, if we can drop the "blocks," the "walls," that inevitably go up in the course of our education and our lives...

I do believe we can all "have it," we can tap into this realm of creativity to live fulfilling lives, we can transform ourselves and the world...sometimes when things are clicking, when a group of people get together in some kind of creative collaboration, it is "magical," it is powerful, it is life-affirming...

It's also just a small thing, playing music in the kitchen on a hot summer night. Three voices echoing out over the linoleum, a guitar played by a player, but at the same time the player is played too...

Sometimes we make the music, and sometimes the music makes us...that's when you know it's working, when you're not sure where one ends and one begins...