Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Gems from the Science Times

1. "You don't see what you're seeing until you see it, but when you do see it, it lets you see many other things."

sunnyjimmy: Yes, this is my credo! It almost sounds like the mission statement from my Theater group...

2. "To a topologist, a sphere, a cigar and a rabbit's head are all the same because they can be deformed into one another."

sunnyjimmy: Kind of reminds me of that mystical idea that if you can look at the world with clear eyes you will see the ONE.

3. "Astronomers are still arguing about the overall shape of the universe, wondering if it's topology resembles a sphere, a bagel or something even more complicated."

sunnyjimmy: I'd go with bagel...I mean, of course, it would be an EVERYTHING BAGEL!