Thursday, July 20, 2006

Feels Like Forever

You've got to love nature, our mother, for she is a changable phenomenon, she is unpredictable, although there are certain patterns and cycles that serve as signposts along the way. It's been ungodly hot lately. I'm not one to complain about the weather, the weather just is, it's beyond our control, it's just something we must contend with, and there are other things that we can control (or at least it seems so) and it's best to concentrate on the things we can do when we can do them. Or something like that...

Anyway, this is all a round about way of saying, hey, it's raining outside! And it feels so right. Black clouds and thunder, I wandered out to get a paper and the big drops of rain joyously pelted me with their sloppy wetness. I got soaked from stem to stern and I luxuriated in it. I'm now sitting in a coffee shop, sipping an iced drink, listening to some latin jazz, connected to the web via free wifi, typing into my little laptop like I have something to say...

Sometimes I write just because I can...maybe that's reason enough...and it feels like it's always been cloudy, the rain has always been falling, my shirt has always been wet and clinging to my seems like always but it will all change soon, and then something else will feel like forever...