Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Not so damn enlightened this morning...the heat kind of puts an edge on everything...more madness from the radio waves...what's up with the human race? Are we just stupid? If you are a pessimist, you will be rewarded every day with an embarassment of riches, if you are an optimist, you have to work a little harder to find any gold...

If you're working in the creative sphere, everything is fodder for your black arts...the Lovely Carla tells me she is convinced there is a devil in me...(he comes out into open in full force after a few drinks)...I know what she means, there's a madness in me...a strange gleam in my eye that even puts me off...but of course, it's the little demon who I turn to for creative inspiration...cynicism, sarcasm, black humor - these are all great tools...the creative realm is where I can let my demon loose, sunny and dark get to cavort together to unleash a crazed alchemy...

This is kind of a revelation for me...(I mean, I've been working this way for years, just never really, explicitly laid it down for myself like this)...it's the play of light and dark that make it all worthwhile...