Monday, July 10, 2006


I must admit I've had some gnarly times lately, where the world is all hard edges and bristly quills. When the bad times predominate, there's a point where you begin to think that's how it will always be, you don't see any light at the end of the tunnel, hell you don't even see a tunnel, just darkness.

Well, I'm happy to report that the last few days have turned in a new direction. Yesterday the thought that came to me..."sometimes the day carresses you." Yes, it was a carressing kind of day. It was like all the tumblers clicked into place and suddenly I had the key to open any lock.

It's been like that for a few days consecutively...what you forget sometimes and what I was reminded of, it's best just to do, to act, to be, don't "try" to say something, just say it, etc. It's a simple thing, but sometimes not the easiest thing to's like we're in this extended tango with the universe, sometimes our feet just move to the tune without hesitation, sometimes we're clunky and flat-footed; the key...JUST KEEP DANCING!