Monday, June 19, 2006

Citizen of the World

Although, we are given a certain set of equipment at birth (these eyes, these hands, etc.), it seems we are as changable as the weather, or at least on an emotional level, (which admittedly might be totally irrelevant to the ways of the world), we are as insubstantial as the clouds blowing across the sky, or the trees dancing in the wind, or the vapor rising from the sewer grate. There's the national weather report, and then there is the internal Dumps/Sunny Report which sometimes coincides with the national (or at least regional trend) and sometimes not. It's harder to be sunny in the midst of the muddy gloom, or to be dumpy in the glorious sunshine, but at the same time, it's not impossible, in fact it's a common occurance. Which leads one to surmise that not only are we changeable, but we are also, flighty, inconsistent and sometimes just plain stubborn. Today, it is glorious, summer, sunshine, and the internal report seems to match up quite nicely with the grander trend. I'm Citizen of the World today. There are no cares. It's a pleasure to be inhaling and exhaling. The sun is shining down like a benevolent god, the summer breeze is riding on my shoulder like a shy friend keeping me company, the birds are singing, the trees are swaying, everything seems in it's place - perfect, uncompromising, undemanding. All I have to do is show up. Pay attention. Seems infinitely doable.