Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Church of the Sky and Sand

Dear Reader, where have you been? No really, where have I been? I haven't been here, in this space, I've been on hiatus, or no, it really was a death, a long sleepy death since January. But for some reason, I have been reborn, rebirthed. I woke up Sunny today, on the Left Coast, a block from the Pacific Ocean. Yesterday I sat on the beach and attended a service at the Church of the Sky and Surf. A group of dolphins came swimming just off the shore, they were riding inside these big waves, leaping and twisting like beautiful, spooky, ballerinas with fins. For a few minutes the bustling beach life - volleyball players, beautiful women in bikinis, lovers, mothers and fathers, all stopped to watch these strange, magical creatures, frolicking in the water. I sat on a bench, in the late afternoon sun, sat in hushed silence, watching too. Well, I must say dear reader, I wept. I can't really tell you why, (something about the insubstantiality of life, the fleeting moments rushing out beyond our fingertips, the sad and beautiful changing world), the tears just kind of rolled down my grizzled cheeks, just another crazy old guy on a bench, but I guess it was the silence, the hushedness of the moment, that kind of caught me in it's snare. All these people, beach people, knew that something strange and beautiul was happening, (these people were in awe and wonder, about dolphins in the water!), it was a moment to watch and savor, because it would soon be gone. And then it was, the dolphins headed back out into the deep, and beach life came back to normalcy, everyone went back to their own private little worlds. I went back to my own private musings. Yes, I was reborn in the Church of Sky and Sand. There ain't no creed preached at this humble little church, only the sights and sounds of life resound in this chamber. There's beauty and mystery all around. All you have to do is open your eyes and see.