Saturday, December 03, 2005

What Year is It?

Do you ever get the sneaking suspicion that you've morphed into Winston Smith? Do you ever feel like a "ghost in the machine?" Do you ever wonder at how seamlessly corporate and military power have merged into a mutual symbiosis? Do you ever think that the "public square" is just a super-saturated, consumer paradise, where the bars of the cell have been magically air-brushed out? Do you begin to doubt the veracity of what you are hearing, seeing and reading? Do you ever question a culture that slavishly worships the power and glory of the almighty buck? Do you think faith in "the market" is a license to rape, pillage and murder our fragile ecosystem? Do you wonder how a radical, peacenik, rabbi, murdered 2000 years ago could have been mythologized into a kind of biblical Donald Trump? Do you wake up in the middle of the night muttering to yourself, "greed is good?" Do you secretly wish you too had a Big Brother you could look up to?