Monday, December 12, 2005

"I Hear My Train A' Comin" - J. Hendrix

I slept long and hard yesterday, (catching up from my r&r diversion) and I had a long (although, it seems, the dream world doesn't respect space and time), or what seemed like, a long and rambling dream. I guess there's no interpretation necessary: I was on a train, the train was traveling in a large circle, the train was filled with happy people, men, women, children, all excited about getting to the final destination, which sounded like some kind of Amusement Park. I was on the wrong train, I was the only one on the train looking for a way to get off. I was on a train and I was lost. I wondered how I got on the train, I was wondering how I was going to get off. I was wondering... The train stopped to pick up some more smiling, happy people; this was my chance, I jumped to the door, I jumped off the train, I found myself in some vast shopping mall, in front of a row of vending machines...I didn't know where I was going, I didn't know what I was going to do...the train left the station, the smiling, happy people went on their way. I stood alone in front of the vending machines...wondering what was gonna happen next...