Saturday, December 17, 2005

"I Can See Clearly Now..." - J. Cliff

Wow, it looks like a tendency to paranoia, pessimism, and schizophrenia (disassociation from reality) has it's payoff. Assume the absolute worst: your government is an out of control totalitarian empire, run by corrupt and evil people making really horrible decisions in secret. There's illegal spying, kidnapping, torture, murder, illegal wars, lots of pain and suffering and dead people. Every sick and evil idea that you can conjure in your fertile imagination, turns out to be a goverment run program that has been instituted behind closed doors. The sad reality, since you are paranoid, pessimistic and schizo, is that none of this surprises you. Any horrible thing you think turns out to be reality. You become so paranoid, pessimistic and schizo that everything is clear as a bell. You see so clearly, the sun blinds you. You end up getting sunglasses and a seeing eye dog. You change your name to Oedipus. Your motto: truth is beauty.