Thursday, December 22, 2005

Frozen Tundra

"As I was jogging across the frozen tundra..." This line popped into my head yesterday as I ran the lakefront path. It was a beautiful, sunny morning; cold, really cold, but the sun was glinting off the snow, the sun was dancing on the lake, the sun was bouncing off the icebergs floating in the murky blue. Yesterday, it was a sparse crowd out on the hustings, one of those days that seperates the "hardcore" runners, from the not so hardcore. I guess I'm in the hardcore camp, although, I must admit, I had taken a couple of days off, after I had gotten a bone-deep chill over the weekend. So, I was out there, running along, glad to be able to still do it, glad to have a body, glad to be in my body, glad the old bag of bones still knew how to navigate across snow and ice.