Tuesday, November 01, 2005

"This blink seems just like that other blink."

If you've been around long enough, things start to remind you of other things. This trip, resembles that other trip. This place, evokes memories of another place. This meal, reminds you of a meal you had long ago, in a land far away. Many things start to have a "deja vu" aspect to them. You start thinking: "I've been here before, I've done this before, I've thought about how I've done this before, before." Maybe that's what it means to "get old." Finally, everything seems to be a reflection of an experience you had another time, another place, and so, there's no room left for the new. I think you have to battle this tendency. It's all a damn illusion anyway. Our bodies provide us with some continuity (look in the mirror, if you dare!), but really every morning, every day, every moment is in some way NEW. The past is gone, the future awaits, and the now is IT! You have to remind yourself, "This moment will not repeat...it is unique, and it goes so damn quickly, even as I recognize it. Shit, it just passed me by."