Thursday, November 10, 2005

"So much trouble in the world..." - B. Marley

Is this so obvious, that it's stupid to even bring up? Well, that never stopped me before...If the "good guys," in order to do battle with the "bad guys," use torture, murder, bombs, bullets, phosphourus chemicals; if they sometimes imprison innocent bystanders, kill women, children and old men; if they lie about doing these things, and lie about the reasons for doing them (for instance, by using big, abstract, good-sounding words to cover their actions), if they live in a "democracy," but make most of their decisions in secret, if they show contempt for the people they represent by saying one thing and actually doing another, if they hold themselves up as good and true and moral examples, and accuse anyone not toeing the line, of giving comfort to the "bad guys," is it any wonder, "good," and "bad," start to seem like relative terms? Is it surprising that someone might start thinking that it's not that some people are inherently good or bad, but instead that they are capable of both, and it's their actions which are to be "judged," and if the actions of the good and bad guys are identical, doesn't morality look like another "word game?" Is it fair to say that words and beliefs are just a smokescreen, that it's only what you do in the world that defines you?