Friday, November 04, 2005

"The Road of Excess, leads to the Palace of Wisdom" - Wm. Blake

I guess I'm drawn to a certain alienation (from other people, the world at large). It's something I've cultivated since I was young. Not sure where this originally came from, maybe it was some kind of genetic heritage, it just seems to be a natural tendency for me. I like to think that it is an avenue to some kind of "enlightenment," but this is not a given. There's always this "stanger in a strange land" feeling to everything I do. Maybe this is not so unique, maybe it's a result of our materially driven, consumer society. The fraternity I'm drawn to, is the fraternity of "lone wolves," they don't like to hang together, they don't seek comfort in the pack. There's a profound lonliness that comes in the bargain. Maybe this is not a bad thing, maybe a certain strength comes with it too. It doesn't matter if I'm in the middle of a crowd, with friends, with family, it's always there. I've used this "space" to create things, other worlds, other realities, it's like I'm always seeking a lonely palace of knowledge, a hard knowledge that can only be experienced alone.