Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A Cut and Paste World

I've discovered a new toy, (I need a new toy like I need a new hole in the head!). Last Friday our IMAC blew up (logic board), so instead of paying for repair, we traded up to a new improved one. Faster, bigger screen, more stuff. My new discovery?! GarageBand! It is very cool. Amazing. Suddenly anyone can be George Martin (remember him?). Its an easy to use software tool that allows you to combine loops in new ways to create...well...just about anything. My first stab at it, I came up with a moody jazz piece in C Major, 4/4 time, multi-layered keyboards, spooky strings. It was basically point and click. Incredibly empowering. I also bought a special cable that will allow me to hook in my guitar (which I can turn into something else: a grand piano, steel drums, etc). So, I'll be able to create totally original tracks, mix them, manipulate them. This is definitely cool shit. It kind of opens a whole new vista of creation and makes one reflect on the creative process. Once you get over the technical hurdle (this is my keyboard, this is my mouse), it's up to one's aesthetics, one's sensibility. This sounds good, this sounds bad, this sounds complex, hey, this sounds good and complex! It's a "cut and paste" world. Thank you William Burroughs. Everyone can be a creator! Thank you Steven Jobs. Thank you Andy Warhol. I'm still waiting for my 15 minutes!