Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The VEEP is a CREEP!

It's pitch dark, raining cats and dogs this morning, but I'm sitting here, shining brightly. I know it's not good to take pleasure in someone else's troubles, but I can't help being tickled pink by the news that Big Dick Cheney is now implicated (see the NYT this morn) in the CIA leak case. I've been waiting for this big, floppy clown shoe to drop for quite some time! The Intrepid Fitz has been on the trail of the the Great White Dick all along.

It's amazing, the public face, the private lies. All I can say is, I hope Cheney, Rove, and Libby (Hardrock, Coco and Joe?) GET WHAT THEY DESERVE!" As Sy Hersh has pointed out, a small group (a cabal?!) of neo-conservatives conducted a disinformation campaign to get the U.S. into a war. A war that never made sense, that has become a huge foreign policy disaster. Men, women and children have died, for no good reason. Little Bush has been insulated from most of this secret insider stuff, his defense? "I'm an IDIOT, I didn't know anything?"

There is hope, in that our big, lumbering system, sometimes does a little self-cleansing. The criminal justice system (think Watergate, Iran Contra, yes, Sexual RelationsGate) is the last bulwark against complete dishonesty and corruption. I guess the tension is between a messy, transparent, democracy, and an efficient, secret, Fascism. Give me the inefficient, transparent democratic messiness! Can we live in the world with an ethic of public and private honesty?