Sunday, October 23, 2005

"Taking Care of Business" (TCB) - ELVIS!

Slept in late, brewed up a great cuppa joe, sitting at my keyboard, surfing all the political blogs (I'm thinking big things are coming this week, maybe we see the unmasking of the Cheney Cabal - wouldn't that be sweet?), kind of reveling in the afterglow of our muscial performance last night, listening to Otis Redding on the box ("Try a Little Tenderness"), taking it slow and easy.

Yes, we unveiled some new stuff last night at the Gallery. The Lovely Carla did a monologue that I wrote, (also a piece from Sam Shepard - now that's good company!) while I played a sort of spacey guitar accompaniment. We had a small audience, but it all went off well. Kind of rough and off the cuff. It's kind of my mode of operation lately. Then, for the finale (we went from the sublime to ELVIS), our very own Johnny Pilgrim, dressed as the Prime-Time Las Vegas Elvis, came out and sang three songs. It was a rip-roaring set, highlighted by that Lieber/Stoller masterpiece, "King Creole."

From Shepard to Presley, in one fell swoop. Now in my book, that's supreme entertainment ("It's ART, it doesn't have to be GOOD!") - S. Jimmy.