Sunday, October 30, 2005

Don't Forget First Time Lasix!

I'm off to the City of Angels later this morning. I wonder if that's where I'll find my (still missing) mojo? My ultimate destination is Arcadia (not the mythological Greek Island, not the Stoppard play, not the band formed by Simon Le Bon), a sleepy little town in California, where dreams are born and dashed in two minute increments. I'm of course referring to the major attraction in Arcadia, the Santa Anita Racetrack, one of my favorites places on the planet. Is it one of the Seven Wonders? By some odd Cosmic Convergence, I'm to attend a business conference in Arcadia on Monday and Tuesday. So, I'm taking an early plane today, timed so that I'm trackside for the seventh race and beyond. I envision that I'm already ahead of the game, limiting my exposure to 3 or 4 races, not enough to get into really serious pocket-emptying trouble.

I'm leaving in the wake of a really nice autumn day in Chicago yesterday. The Lovely Carla and I went for a long, rambling walk, and we talked of everything under the sun. We have both entered a "phase of unknowing," wondering (in both a large and small sense) "what's next?" We had dinner with a friend, I'll dub him the Great Dr. Woo, who told us that one's path is basically "what you believe." The Lovely Carla and I heard this and nodded our heads as if to say, "Yes, that's what we needed to hear." Now if only I could pinpoint what I really, truly, deeply believe..beyond the cosmic primacy of weight, distance, class...