Sunday, September 25, 2005

"What do you see when you turn out the light...?" - Lennon & McCartney

I knew something was different yesterday, when I walked into my local 7-11 to get a bottle of water, heard the Beatles on the radio, singing, "With a Little Help from My Friends," and I started singing along. "I get by with a little help from my friends." I remembered what Johnny Pilgrim had told me, "joy is like the rain," and for some reason, or maybe a sequence of reasons, all converging simultaneously, it was raining, and I could not help but smile.

It's so strange how it all works...

Later in the afternoon I came across this from Philip K. Dick (I'm not through with him yet), and for some reason the words lifted me up.

"This was what happened to all the things that came out of the wet earth, out of the filthy slime and mold. All things that lived, big and little. They appeared, struggling out of the sticky wetness. And then, after a time, they died."

Hmmm...another time that sequence of words might seem grim, but for some strange reason, yesterday they made me laugh out loud. I was thinking how strange and wonderful it all seemed. "Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain."