Wednesday, September 21, 2005

We must do what we must do

It was real hard getting up this morning...the alarm went off, and the first thought, "I have nothing to get up for..." Well, maybe in some grand existential sense it's true, but in the day to day living sense it's not true, (I have much to do, appointments to keep, etc.) but it sure felt true that first moment...

So, I had to break everything down into understandable increments to get moving...I must get up, so I can start the coffee, then I must brush my teeth, and fire up my computer, and check my e-mail, and survey the blogs, and post to my own, go for a run, and take a shower, and make my calls and meet the people I need to meet, etc...okay, so you get the idea, just one step after another until the sun goes down, and the day is done, and then I must go to sleep again...and do it all over again...just because...I must...