Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Watchman

August is over...when I was a kid, that meant the death knell for summer...vacation was over, school (that regimented nullity) was's amazing what we go through, and still keep our heads (at least some of us - not sure which club I'm in - kept head, or not?!).

I've been thinking of that strange, Russian mystic, Guardieff, and his formulation of (paraphrasing, as always) "being aware of being aware," the idea that most of us are asleep (bored to death by the mundane routines of the material world), and we must work at "seeking the miraculous." Guardieff developed diciplines and techniques in dance, movement, meditation, that supposedely helped to re-introduce the amazing, mystical nature of the "looniverse."

Many years later I came across Jasper John's concept of the "Watchman." He wrote cryptic notes about this character and incorporated them into some of his painting and prints...I've also heard there's a comic book series dedicated to the Watchman character.

The Watchman is aware of the world, aware that he is aware, he watches himself, without being "self-conscious," (paradoxical!?). Not a bad formulation...if we need models, a clue or key to our existence, the Watchman might fit the bill nicely..."the more we look, the more we see..." it might be a way to live...and then, well, what cha gonna do? Or is "being," enough?!