Tuesday, September 13, 2005

"Spider? What Spider?"

The Lovely Carla and I sat in the sky room last night. We watched all the little spiders come out and set themselves up on the window screens, building their webs, waiting for their victims to make their fateful move. The Web of Doom.

Beyond the screens was the night sky, the planets and stars, blazing away in a milky haze. We spoke of the passing scene, and wondered about the fate of our little planet. We wondered about the teeming billions.

We wondered if a person, one person, could make a difference. The Optimist in us, said, "yes, of course," it was our duty to lean to the light, to be like those stars above, to blaze away and light the way for others too. The Pessimist, said, "no, you've got to be kidding," darkness abides, we are like those little bugs slowly crawling to our "webby," deaths.

Although, we sat in darkness, the light from those stars, lit up our eyes too. After awhile, you couldn't even see the window, the screen, the spiders, or the webs...only a little pinpoint of light blazing from far, far, away.