Thursday, September 29, 2005

"The Marriage of Heaven and Hell" - Wm. Blake

It's the common, simple things that can make all the difference. A good night's sleep (actually - I fell asleep on the couch early in the evening, didn't wake up until 10 hours later), a freshly brewed cup of coffee (actually - heavy duty rocket fuel), a clear head (actually it's dancing with dream images and ideas), can make a new day seem really new (actually I've been doing this now for almost half a century).

The sun goes up, the sun goes down...that's the way it's always been. Or at least that's how it seems from my occluded perspective. There's this feeling of continuity, but at the same time, there's this sneaking suspicion that it's really only an illusion.

There are these discrete moments, which we kind of put together to make a picture, but is that picture just a facimile, a rude copy of a much richer, or at least more complex, configuration? There's freedom in what we don't know, don't see...back to Blake's "doors of perception," clear them, and we can glimpse the world as it really is...infinite.