Saturday, August 27, 2005

The Sky Room

I've been spending a lot of time in the newly dubbed, "Sky Room," which used to be called the "David Lynch Room" (in honor of Twin Peaks), which is really just our back porch, which faces the western sky. It has a table, two chairs, and a warm funkiness, because the floor and walls are made of wood. My chair is situated so that I'm facing two windows which kind of loom above me, so my eyes are directed up and out. Recently, I've spent time, sitting in silence, watching the sky, in it's infinite variations. It's a great place to watch a sunset. An excellent place to observe the darkening sky, to see a planet (is it Mars, Venus?) or a star, make it's presence known. There's an expansiveness that kind of overcomes me sitting out there. There's a peacefullness, plus an incomprehensibleness...It's a way of connecting to what seems like an Infinity...something really big, and silent, and suprising, always changing. It seems like it's always been there and always will be...I sit in silence, the Watchman, and a little bit of sky lights up in my eyes...a little of that infinity lights up inside me too.