Monday, August 15, 2005

Light Bulb

The light bulb in my room blew out. I'm blogging in the dark this morning. Seems very appropriate. Still sort of reeling from events. My little life has been rocked. When someone close to you dies, first you realize you will miss them forever, and then you're reminded that everyone you know and love, (including you) will pass too. The last few days, when I see an old-timer, I think, "they're getting closer." I look in the mirror, I know more years are in front of me than behind me. Every day someone, or many someones step out into an uncertain fate. Little children, old people, victims of accident and circumstance. A plane goes down, a famine strikes, a hurricane, a car crash. We know this, we see it everyday. It's strange and surreal, and it comes with the territory. In a weird way, after the pain, the lonliness, after the initial shock wears off; the fear seems to lift, to disappear. None of us are immortal. It's something we all share. So we are here now..."and what cha gonna do?"