Monday, August 01, 2005

The Global Village Green

A quick post from the Global Cafe in Dublin, Ireland. We made it in one piece. Didn't really sleep on the plane, just dozed through a song or two on my Walkman (somewhere in the middle of the Sigur Ros cd). The musical revelation was Radiohead, I finally listened to "Kid A" with headphones and realized that if you haven't heard their disc through headphones you never really listened to it at all. It is a mind-blowing soundscape that seems to emanate from the center of your head. So, anyway we're here, checked into our hotel and we are trying to stay up until the evening so we can kind of lock into Ireland time. We chased the sun into the east, we are now six hours ahead of Chicago. It's beautiful, green and magical here, just like they all said it would be. There's a very nice European funkiness that just feels right. Dublin seems like a small town. The Lovely Carla and I have already walked quite a few streets, kind of basking in the energy of the place. So, we're here, so strange, time travelling, mind tripping, zoning out on the magic green. Something tells me there's a Guiness Stout in my future.