Saturday, July 16, 2005

"We see the world as we are..." - B. Dylan

Onto the next thing...First there's PlameGate, which I'm following like one of those very complex detective stories: there's plenty of information and misinformation and speculation, and a sneaking suspicion that there is a major scandal brewing that implicates the mighty and powerful, and a cathartic fall from grace looks to be one of the developing subplots, and maybe we do live in vacuous and corrupt times, but hey, hasn't it always been the case? And one thing good about our partisan politics, is once the door swings open, the beasts and brutes have no qualms about feasting on the sick and wounded. "The system," as bloated and creaky and corrupt as it is, still seems to have an aspect of "self-cleansing."

My light summer reading, which is "blowing my mind," and opening my eyes: "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions," by Thomas Kuhn. I got onto this little tome, via, Robert Irwin, via, my interest in Phenomenology. It's all about "Paradigms," and "Paradigm Shifts," and how we basically model the universe, and see what we conceive to see. And how sometimes, someone comes along, and "blows the picture," and suddenly, everything changes...This is cool and powerful stuff, and it's where hope and trascendance come from. The world may be a mystery, but we are in a collaboration with it. Sometimes it sings, sometimes it dances, and it is always, always MOVING!