Saturday, July 09, 2005

Wake Up, Buttercup!

Me thinks the human heart breaks a million ways. Little tiny breaks, a million little cuts, maybe every time we hear the news (we can't stop up our ears, our eyes), whatever the news happens to be. And then, do we 'harden our hearts' just to carry on? We carry on, diminshed, or ennobled, or...what? There are a million ways to live, a million ways to die, probably, most assuredly, more. Each of us can step out at any time. Plucked by the hand of fate. And what be the cause? Natural causes? Unnnatural causes? Supernatural causes? Or just BECAUSE?

If we are awake, and, I think it's our duty to be awake at all times, it all comes in. We must let it. What we let in, can hurt us, can harden us, can change us in ways we may not want to change. How do we live and experience, and stay open to life and experiences? How can we not? Someone once said we are perfect beings in a perfect world. Maybe imperfect beings in an imperfect world. If you think about it, it's the same damn thing. We're here, now, and what are we gonna do with this strange and special gift?