Tuesday, July 12, 2005

"The School of Scandal." - R. Sheridan

I am becoming convinced that BushCo.'s admininstration is starting to unravel. It reminds me of the early days of the Watergate scandal. I was avidly following the Woodward/Bernstein story, convinced that Nixon was a criminal, and it would only be a matter of time before he was unmasked. When it actually happened, (Hunter S. Thompson had been right all along!), I was absolutely astonished.

There are so many lies floating around, and it all concerns BushCo.'s disinformation campaign leading up to the invasion of Iraq. This Karl Rove/Valerie Plame dirty trick (so reminiscent of Nixon), where a CIA agent was outed because her husband, Joe Wilson told THE TRUTH about Iraq's intention to buy yellowcake from Niger is only the tip of the iceberg. It seems that this story's Deep Throat is someone in the Blair adminstration - please see the Downing Street Memo.

There is a steady stream of information coming from England: now there's a plan afoot to draw down troops before the next U.S. election. Everything BushCo. says about Iraq is false. The reality is catching up to them. As the bodies pile up, as it becomes clear that the war was a diversion and a serious mistake, the lies told before the war become more and more relevant. I don't think these guys are smart enough to keep all their lies straight. The house of cards will start to crumble. The press will finally wake up (it's a story!), and little Bush will be (at least) a badly crippled LAME DUCK. Maybe there's hope for the Empire after all.