Thursday, July 14, 2005

"Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose." - K. Kristofferson

Jean Renoir: "Everyone has their reasons." Yes, this makes for a very complex world, don't you think? We are all left basically to our own devices, we all start from different places, different times, we're all on a private journey to "who knows where?" We must "reason" the world into some kind of coherency, or then again, maybe not. Some of us put our faith in religion, some in the scientific method, some in random happenstance, some in "who knows what?" We plug into the culture, the system, in order to find a place, a purpose; we look for meaning in the grains of sand on the beach. What do all those little grains add up to? "Hmmm, I'll get back to you on that!" We embrace the world. We reject the world. We simply exist in the world. We fight to survive, to be heard, to be forgotten, or maybe we don't fight at all, just let it come down. We live in a realm beyond good and evil, we choose to see what we want to see, to live the way we want to live. We make the choice and then try to figure out how we can pass the bill to someone else, or we make the choice, and pay up with a sunny smile.