Thursday, June 16, 2005

"When a Body Meets a Body." - J.D. Salinger

Yesterday I was stuck in the "everydayness," of a life, waiting for a plane, making the trek back to Chicago, looking for my carry-on bag in the airport (I found it), a long taxi ride in heavy traffic. It seemed like everything took more time than it should. I was trying to catch up to the day, I never quite did. It's good to be home, everything is familiar, comfortable; in a way, everything is renewed, just because I was away from it, and I'm here now. There is a flurry of activity ahead of me. Rehearsals, and set-up for our big benefit event on Saturday. Activity itself can be an end; the momentum, the forward motion giving one the illusion of purpose. The purpose is to keep the next moment, and then the one after that, etc....