Sunday, June 05, 2005

"Isn't it all basically the SAME DAY?" - J. Joplin

Yesterday was one long day...

Up early and out to Peter Jones for an early morning "Henry Goodbar," rehearsal. We're restaging the play, based on dimensions of our performance space in Edinburgh, Scotland. This changes the production substantially. It's an opportunity to re-think major portions of the piece. What's unique: the cast is tight, we're nearly off book, we've done this before, we can reinvent, refine, rediscover. What's great for the Lovely Carla and I, we can take the production to a completely new level; usually by the end of a show's run, we are finally getting to a place where we can "play," where some of the instinctual processes arise. This time, we can start at that place, and see where we can push ourselves, our cast, and our audience.

In the afternoon, we did a Telepath Jam. This is still not a clean machine. We have a set list, a mission, we're not just aimlessly jamming, but it feels like an outfit that's pulling in different directions. The group dynamic is a little shaky. Part of this can be attributed to a poor sound system, (I'm hoping to remedy this soon) so vocals and guitars and drums are all competing with each other. But there's also a little tension in the band, (different visions, agendas?) Our two original songs are my favorites at the moment, which does bode well. But if we don't get the mix and the energy all working together (does anyone tell Neil Young to turn his guitar volume DOWN?!) not sure if the Telepaths (in this configuration) have staying power.

Late afternoon - went for a massage and a Space Time Tank float. All I can say is, thank you John Lilly. What a strange, unique way to explore the inner world. Then had a nice meal at Angelina's on Broadway. Finally got home and packed my bag. I'm heading off to Brooklyn, New York today. I'm sure I'll be posting from the road. As be continued.