Thursday, June 23, 2005

Frank, You are So Groovey!

I'm back at this Starbucks on Geary St. in San Francisco, right across from a theater showing "Les Miserables." A guy comes in and demands that they put "Frankie," on. Moments later Frank Sinatra's voice comes out of the sound system. This same guy seems to know everyone who works here, he tells the folks working behind the counter..."I'll put you all in my money... but lots of loving, Italian loving!"

So, I'm here for a few more hours, then back on a plane to Chicago. Yesterday, was a long day, many times my eyes glazed over from the insistent numbing chatter about stuff, which, I frankly, have no passion. The real challenge of my job, is to appear that I am happy, engaged, sharp, attentive, when in fact, I'm somewhere else, thinking of other times, other places. How to keep the spiritual quest alive in the everydayness of the material world? This can be a strain, very tiring. By the way, right now Sinatra is singing..."I've got you under my skin..."

No time for City Lights. No time for running. No time. That has been the theme of this little trip. Everything has gone well, the deal has been furthered, we've solidified bonds, earned trust...we are actually helping San Francisco become more "energy efficient," which is a good thing. But I've been running, to keep up with myself, I'm dancing, trying to stayed balanced, keep it light, keep it real. Did Sinatra just say something about a "magic carpet ride?" PSYCHEDELIC!