Tuesday, May 17, 2005

"Watching the River Flow." - B. Dylan

Well, at least its good sleeping weather! I've added a new step to my morning routine (remember in routine - enlightenment!), I start with my private blog first, then I pop over here (after doing a quick perusal of blogs around the globe). I've been trying to hone Allen Ginsberg's "first mind, best mind," concept. It takes practice, to be able to sit down at the keyboard and let it flow. Seems contradictory; discipline, leads to spontenaity. The goal (maybe shouldn't have a goal?) is to do "good work," without "working." Usually the best stuff, is the stuff that comes easist. So, I'm on the banks of a river, looking for the spot to enter the flow. It takes discipline, persistance, dedication...and then there's a rush, a blast of inspiration and SPLASH, I'm in the stream of consciousness! Let it flow.